Does your credit union use a restrictive endorsement stamp when financing autos or other title secured loans? If your credit uses such, has your credit union had any issues with the use? Also, could you provide an example of what you use? Thank you.
Does anyone have an incentive policy they can share?
We are looking to revise our policies and procedures regarding employee accounts. I would be interested in anything you are willing to share. Please email to: [email protected]
Thank you.
Did you know? Children are 51 times more likely than adults to have their identity stolen.With children, the crime goes unnoticed for years and is usually not detected until the child attempts to obtain credit or applies for a job, college or government benefits. By then, the damage is done, said NFCC.
With the departure of our Security Officer, we are looking to update our current Security Policy. Does anyone have an example you'd be willing to share with us? Please e-mail directly to me at [email protected]. Thank you for your help! Stephanie Mathews, TruStar Federal Credit Union
Hi all,I have a quick question…where does the risk lie with closed account signature cards? Specifically the AIRES questionnaire “Share Internal Control” asks “are signature cards for closed accounts promptly pulled from the active account file and placed in a closed one?” we have been pulling cards on a weekly basis but as we are moving to scanned documents this job has fallen far behind and I am trying to determine the best way to approach this. any help would be appreciated..Thanks,
Hello All,
How is your credit union complying with the unique identfier requirement of the SAFE Act? Are your MLOs providing their identifier on the application and/or good faith estimate at all? Any feedback would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
BayPort Credit Union
[email protected]
With the increased use of online account opening and Docusign type initiatives, a “wet” signature in a file is becoming more and more obsolete. But, if you have been in banking for any length of time, you are accustom to it being there to assist in validating a questionable transaction whether from the front line or back office. For those of you who have migrated to electronic signatures, has this presented any challenges?
Hello all:How do you handle an employee who is delinquent on their mortgage with you? We currently have one that is now over 90 days delinquent. She has been spoken to and counseled - given options and still has not responded.Thanks!
What procedures are are your CU's using to change an address via telephone? We currently ask for the current address and last 4 digits of the person's social security number.