We have a member who recently started sending and receiving a lot of wires. Money in one day and out to foregin countries the next day. In from a foreign country out in two days to other countries. None of the countries are on the OFAC list. He is listed as a self employed scientist- which would not be uncommon for as our service area is home to UF. The Operations folk as well as I suspect money laudering. The VP of Ops is considering refusing to send and receive wires from this member. Our attorney advised that we have authority to refuse services. He gave a standard answer-nothing concrete. Have any of you ever encountered a situation where your CU had to refuse services and what did you advise the member as the basis of this refusal. The VP of Ops is leary of saying "your activity seems suspicious so we are shutting you down". It will be a red flag if something suspicious is going on....any advice? Tannia Weaver
March 20, 2013 - 4:37pm