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Chuck Newton

We are a $143 million federally chartered credit union in Lafayette, IN.  Our Supervisory Committee has recommended an RFI (request fro information) and then maybe follwoing up with an RFP for the SCGA.  I have done an RFP but not an RFI.  Has anyone done an RFI before?  Was it effective?  Do you include a request for fees and expenses with that?  Does the fee bid include consulting services?Our concerns relate to finding a CPA who can answer GAAP related questions (like the TDR issues) as part of the consulting kinds of services that may occur between the annual SCGAs.  We are also concerned about communication about preliminary findings from the auditors during the audit, having enough time on-site to meet all of the SCGA requirements, an exit meeting, etc.  If you are satisfied with the firm you are using, they have CPAs on staff to answer GAAP questions, and the communication is good I'd be very interested in that information and your experience with and use of an RFI.  Thanks!