QC -- Where it Lives

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I am trying to build a strong case for why Internal Audit should not be the QC function.  Can you help?  I would appreciate anyone willing to comment on this.  I believe it is best suited to be part of the functional areas -- Lending, Branch Ops, Business Services, Mortgages, etc.  We have first mortgages QC'd by a third party, all the other loans and memberships are QC'd by a QC Specialist who reports the results to all the functional areas.  For six years, it has resided within Internal Audit, and I have done my best to make it worthwhile and effective.  We don't get quick responses on these, which somewhat defeats the purpose.  Managers are given the report and pass it to those needing to make corrections.  At worst, it takes four months to resolve things.  I want to have a good relationship with all areas of hte credit union, but when  we constantly report their mistakes it feels more like "us against them" and as Manager, I have to go behind and push them over and over to get these things done.  It's different when it's an audit, which goes to the Supervisory Committee, and they are required to give a management response that gets monitored until resolution is complete.  I'm not going to give the the Supervisory Committee a "report card".  They just know that it is a function I oversee.  I believe that all areas should have their own QC procedures and that it will result in the quickest fixes and resolutions to their issues, with more lasting improvements.  Would someone please be willing to share their opinions?  Thank you!  .