I am wondering if others verify member eligibility for new applications. Currently when a member applies for a membership, they fill out the application, select how they are eligible and then our staff verifies eligibility. For example, if the applicant selects that they are eligible because of a family members has is a member, our staff verifies the name and ensures that an account for that person exists (not actually verifying they are related). For applicants that select they live within the charter area, staff verifies this. At this point I don't believe we have verification for those that are eligible due to their place of employment. I'm wondering if other organizations also verify the eligibility requirements or if you 'trust' the applicant.
In addition, if anyone has had issues with 'trusting' applicant eligibility information, can you please provide me with some information and the repercussions of not verifying eligibility. I am aware NCUA does recommends we have sound procedures and suggests verification measures; however I am interested in what others are doing.