Independence Impairment and/or Impediment

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Montez Hairston

The purpose of this inquiry is to ascertain if anyone has experienced independence impediment/impairment associated with the following scenarios:

Scenario 1
Credit Union internal auditor with a Vice President of Internal Audit title
 * Functionally reporting to the Supervisory Committee
 * Administratively (attendance/leave) reporting to Management

Scenario 2
Credit Union internal auditor with a Vice President of Internal Audit & Compliance Title

Internal Audit Functionality & Administrative Reporting
* Functionally reporting to the Supervisory Committee
* Administratively (attendance/leave) reporting to Management

 Compliance Functionality & Administrative Reporting
* Functionally reporting to Management
* Administratively (attendance/leave) reporting to Management

Thanking you in advance for your consideration, insight, and/or guidance with this inquiry.