Employee Finances Policy

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I am curious to know what types of policies other CU's have regarding Employee Finances and Financial Responsibility. In our employee handbook we have a section on Employee Personal Finances that states that employees are expected to manage their personal finances so that  they do not negetively affect their job performance, etc. Additional verbiage states that overdrafts in excess of the Overdraft Privilege Program limit, or any three overdrafts in a twelve month period that result in returned items will result in account closure (we monitor for this monthly). There is nothing specific to loan late payments (15-30 days) or delinquency (over 30 days) stated. Our issue is there are certain employees who obviously know how to "work the system" and continually fly just under the radar by paying their loans on the 30th day, bringing their overdraft privilege positive on the day thirty, or using the overdraft privilege in a manner that it was not intended for (i.e. to pay their loans on the 30th day). I would like to recommend stronger policy wording so that action/consultation could be taken sooner, rather than later, or when its too late and they took the opportunity to commit some type of insider fraud, but would like to see some examples from other CU's that have these types of policies in place. (We are 1.3 Billion in assets and approx 240 employees and growing!!)Thanks for any help you can give!   ---Kathie  [email protected]