Employee Family Member Restriction Question For Credit Unions who use Fiserv DNA as their Core Processor

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Good Afternoon All,

I am in need of guidance from any of you whose credit union uses Fiserv DNA as your core processor.

Are you able to block your employees from pulling up their family member accounts in DNA?  If not, have you created a work-around to identify when employees access their family member accounts?  Or do you have some other type of control in place?

We were told by DNA at conversion that there is a way to identify family members in DNA but the restrictions in place for designated family members apply to all employees.  In other words, if we designate a member as a family member of an employee, neither that family member or any other employee, even if that other employee is not related to that family member, would be able to view that family member's balances or account history.  Yes, you read that correctly.  It's hard for us to believe that a system would be developed like this and we are following up with DNA to make sure this is how their system works.   

Please feel free to reach out directly to me at 336-774-3422 or at [email protected] if you have any insights.
